“Fintech to Insurtech, Why is it really important for the Insurance Industry?” Xavier Gomez, Co-Founder of Invyo

We have presented a lot of arguments about this matter and it seems that great insights and predictions are endless coming from various globally renowned experts. Some are saying these industries are now separating, departing on their separate ways – but not today. Let us present Xavier Gomez, Co-Founder of Invyo a specialist, actually operating […]
“Esports Is The Fastest Growing Millennial Industry” – Mario Ovcharov, CEO of UltraPlay

In order to move forward, learning best practices from around the world and from other industries can be decisive. This time we look at Esports and have Ultraplay and its CEO, Mario Ovcharov took the time to share their insights and best practices. In his interview Mario underlines how fast growing the esports industry is – as fastest growing industry in […]