Article of me on by Björn Bergfeld

In German: “Das Insurtech Lemonade könnte den Versicherungsmarkt revolutionieren – vor allem durch die Art und Weise, wie es sich zur Schaden-Kosten-Quoto positioniert. Ein Gastkommentar von Dr. Robin Kiera, Experte für Digitalisierung in der Versicherungsbranche.” Read More
Interview with me on by Sabine Elsässer

“Fail fast, fail often, fail cheap – the best way to learn… In insurtech and fintech we see a second wave of start-ups. Pioneer entrepreneurs mostly attacked a part of the value chain of their industry. Now we see new companies – a lot still in stealth mode – attacking the value chain as a whole. […]
Article of me on by Jim Marous

“Lemonade, the mobile-based, peer-to-peer insurance startup has been been dubbed, “The Uber of insurance”. Providing consumers with policies at a fraction of the cost of what competitors offer, can this start-up disrupt a major category of financial services?” Read More
Translation by the Beijing Insurance Research Institute of my article

“Lemonade: The Mobile-Based, AI-Fueled Insurance Industry Disruptor” into Chinese – including several updates. The translation was published on several sites in China:,, (2, 3), Read More
Insurtech-Insider: Robin Kiera

“ONE is proud to be part of the global insurtech landscape, helping to shape and build the future of insurance using technology and data in ways that truly innovate and add value to people’s lives all over the world. With the above in mind, we sat down with Robin Kiera and picked his brains on […]
Insurtech-Influencer, die People-Connecter im Hintergrund

“Die Versicherungswelt spricht von Digitalisierung und Insurtechs. Sie gründet Labs im Sillicon Valley und in China, sie ernennt Chief Digital Officers und Digital Investment Officers. Sie investiert in Start-ups, Bootcamps und Blockchain-Initiativen. Aber eine Gruppe scheint nie im Fokus zu stehen: die Influencer. Jeder kennt sie – und niemand redet über sie. Dabei sind sie die […]
From Gamedev to Insurance Business: How to Use the Skills

Is there life after gamedev? While numerous people ask about how to get into the games business, some use it as a kickstart for their careers, eventually ending up in other industries. Like, for instance, Robin Kiera, formerly an in-house consultant for Goodgame studios, Casual Connect speaker, and then project lead at an insurance company. Robin […]