Digitalscouting is a Media Partner of BLOCKJAKARTA DIGITAL CONFERENCE

BLOCKJAKARTA DIGITAL CONFERENCE happening this coming June 11 at 14:45 Jakarta Time (9:45 AM CEST) organized by Blackarrow Blockchain Series. Dr. Robin Kiera will speak for a panel Professor Olinga Taeed PhD FIoD, (Ms) Pandu (“?”) Sastrowardoyo, and Antony Welfare.
“Wie steuern kleinere Versicherer durch die Krise?” – shared our Insurance and Finance Live Shows with Chris Cheatham of RiskGenius, Elefantenrunde Live with Jens-Uwe Rohwer of Ostangler Brandgilde VVaG, Dietmar Linde of Hübener Versicherungs-AG, Nick Suhr of Kasko and also Joel Bassani of Jinnbee.