
Four Digital Transformation Lessons Insurers must Learn to Strive in the Post-COVID-19 Era – EasySend Expert Interview Series Part 2 with Dr. Robin Kiera

Four digital transformation lessons insurers must learn to strive in the post-COVID19 era - Dr. Robin Kiera

One of the buzzwords that we often hear next to the pandemic is “digital transformation” because it amplified the adoption of new technologies. From keeping the business viable to serving the customers’ demand, the transition was never easy, and so is the coming days.

We all have heard how COVID-19 changed the way we work and how we should embrace it. But to embark on holistic and strategic transformation, scrambling to adapt is not enough; there are considerable efforts to add and lessons to ponder.

In an interview with EasySend, Dr. Robin Kiera shared four digital transformation lessons that insurers must learn to strive in the post-pandemic era.


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