Facebook and Instagram have Marketplace and there’s TikTok for business. From being a means of communication, social media has evolved as a form of entertainment. A few more years after, selling in social media is now a thing. Now, it has a business world of its own – a “hardcore sales” as Dr. Robin Kiera described it.
Digitization? Innovation? The insurance Industry can never run out of entries in terms of these processes brought upon our “fight reaction” amidst the challenges for the past years. Social media is where we leaned into during these obstacles. It is a huge part of digitization and innovation that we once thought were just buzzwords that will eventually lose their meaning.
Social media might sound overwhelming at first. You can imagine it as a sea full of frightening creatures if you must. But, as an insurer who is the provider of safety nets of many lives, may it be pet, business, or even human, you can also look at it as something filled with opportunities.
Not convinced enough? Read about some use cases and personal experiences shared by Dr. Robin Kiera in an interview with Versicherungsbote. Small and famous companies have made it. You can be the next badass insurer on social media!
Can’t get enough of in-demand social media trips and tricks for insurers? Find out how you can sell policies like iPhones.
“MEHR VERKAUFEN DURCH ATTENTION HACKING” (Sell More through Attention Hacking) is a road map of tools and tactics that Dr. Robin Kiera has personally proven to successfully position numerous insurers in social media. It is the ultimate survival guide in the social media jungle.