A lot of professionals in the #insurance and #finance industry ask me, how they could leverage #SocialMedia for themselves and their company.
Instead of sharing my 2 cents about social media #marketing and #branding I went out to London to meet the legend Gary Vaynerchuk and hoped for some “Gary Vaynerchuk style social media tips” for the insurance and finance industry.
But first things first. Who is Gary Vaynerchuk?
Gary Vaynerchuk (aka Gary Vee) is known for his family wine business in the US building it into an e-commerce empire.He also invested very early in social media platforms like #Twitter, #Uber, and #Facebook. But most prominently, he created his own worldwide renowned personal brand together with great people in #VaynerMedia.
Trust me, if he would tweet that he will come to your place I am sure that hundreds of people will line at your doorstep (expect me waiting in the line also).
Let me share an interesting fact: I asked Gary about his estimate on how many percents within the top 25 insurers and c-suits executives were active in the social media. Well, Gary guessed it at less than 10% close to the 7% study result.
Subjectively, 7% means a great opportunity and perfect timing to start your new Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube channel and be known to your target audience, followers and soon to be customers – you will be competing with only 7% of the most known players.
The other 93% were not that good but the good news is small players are working and now doing great.
So, how younger c-suits and senior VPs as corporate managers use social media to promote not only the company but for themselves?
According to Gary, you need to “Create Content In Your Opinions and Passions” to the best of your ability that will stay with the guidelines of your organization whether through regulation or to what is politically acceptable.
If you have a CEO in an insurance company who always frown in any content and really secretive then you’re posting a lot say in LinkedIn then you’re going to be in trouble – but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t people working in the organization that is ok with you posting as long as you stay within the regulations and you’re posting providing thoughts like why a 60-year-old insurer should review their insurance policies, “Anything That Adds Value” that information will lead to opportunities.
Gary Vaynerchuk was pushing for over a decade that creating contents on the internet “which is Free” and taking advantage with attention on this platform “which is Free” like what he did on his early beginnings.
Truly I agree with him “It Really Works”, I was not born with a selfie stick and sometimes it was really frustrating to write like you’re doing a space rocket science, then only a few were interested and reading your article but when you make simple selfie in somewhere then it blows up, it was really like a roller coaster ride but trust me “It Really Works”.
Watch the Interview Here!

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