“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” – Albert Einstein
Iris Bauer of LV1871 and I discussed one of the elephants of the room in the #insurance and #finance industry – “too many similarities in products and services”.
It is quite funny because even with #startup business essentials like feasibility studies and business planning – they still end up with traditional similarities. And the ball in the playing field they’re competing with was only the “price”.
In this video, LV1871 allowed Iris to share some of their secret sauce on how to liberate from this industry trends to differentiate from the rest.
Learn how they analyze their types of customers and how they innovated their new products and services to suit and serve their needs creating new impressions also in the industry.
Came from her “we started with big ambitions and we did grow” – they put their ambitions into work aiming to double their business in just 1 year.