
Magic of Innovation Conference in Vienna – where insurance experts from North, South and East Europe meet

What do “insurance” and “innovation” have in common? Besides the place in the dictionary probably not much, one could say. In addition to the place dictionary one thing – in my opinion – is important to add: the Magic of Innovation Conference in September each year in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria. 

This year I had the privilege to participate at a panel, moderated and led by Frank Genheimer, Actuary and MD of New Insurance Business. The panel discussed about “Product Time” and aimed at several topics on the future of insurance products. It was great to talk with renowned experts such as Timo Dreger, Dr. Axel Wachsmann and Ales Tomazin – even though some tough arguments and opposite views were exchanged. 

Besides the impressive line-up of speakers: Matteo Carbone, Andrea Silvello, Dr. Moritz Finkelnburg, Frank Genheimer, Pierre Suhrcke, Ralph Brand, Robert Neuhard, Dr. Alexander Bockelmann, Alina Köhler, Christoph Thiel, Monika Schulze and many others, a lot of exciting start-ups presented their pitch. 

During and after the MOI I asked myself: What made this conference so special compared to all the others? Was it the perfect organization? Was it the great content – or the amazing Austrian food and drinks? I have to confess that in every corner of the venue and every small aspect it was easy to see that the founder of MOI and Managing Director of the insurance factory Erika Krizsán seemed to have put her attention to every little detail putting together not only a near to perfect conference, but an event with a very personal touch. 


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