
TikTok Video Content For Insurers

TikTok Video Content For Insurers
TikTok Video Content For Insurers

Our audience is on TikTok, with over 689 million active users from 155 countries. TikTok isn’t just for entertainment but for insurers too. Now, #insuraneagentsoftiktok and #insuranceagent are leveraging insurance selling strategies.

With TikTok, it’s easy to go viral compared to other social media platforms. We can show our personality while adding brand value, and diversifying marketing.

Stop scrolling and start selling. To help us out, we’re sharing five quick content ideas for your FYP’s next Tiktok video.

TikTok Video Content For Insurers

Networking Video

Niche-focused videos connecting with other insurance agents are great ways to connect with our industry experts and lead to referrals and other opportunities.

TikTok Video Content For Insurers

Point of View Video (POV)

POV is one of the hottest trends on TikTok. It’s sort of short role-plays to showcase real-life situations. 

Pretend we’re interacting with a client or co-agents and show them how we would work with them with the best rates and coverage, discussing trending or value-adding topics. 

This is also a great way to show the company’s values radiating through our personality.

TikTok Video Content For Insurers

Funny Videos

We all love a good laugh, don’t we? Never underestimate the power of humour and humility.

Make short, hilarious videos that deal with key insurance questions and information. Roughly 50% of TikTok’s users are under the age of 34, 32.5% are between 10 and 19. This age range is more likely to look for entertaining videos.

TikTok Video Content For Insurers

Informative Videos

Be the legit insurance expert. Millions of viewers could still be new to insurance. Informative videos let us discuss key insurance topics. 

Don’t worry about the time. TikTok has already allowed users to post three-minute videos, up from its previous 60-second limit. This expanded format lets us cover more grounds.

It’s okay not to hit three minutes in every video. If we could compress our ideas into shorter videos, the better. Not everybody on TikTok has long attention spans.

“Day in a Life” Videos

Viewers love seeing snippets of someone’s day-to-day routines.

Showcase our best routines for success as insurers. Walk them through our day as professionals. 

Probably bring our audience with us to work, show them around our workspace, or introduce them to some of our colleagues. We can even share what we eat, what we read about, or our pets. 

This is a great way to show them that even as experts, we’re still normal human beings.


Leverage TikTok marketing strategies. Always remember to keep it light, fun, and appealing, and to take part in trends and challenges. TikTok is for insurers too.

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