It was one of the few beautiful summer days in Hamburg, when a small robot crossed my lunch table in the Bartelsstraße. This robot is known for being developed and tested by Hermes Logistics – a parcel delivery company from Hamburg. Interesting to know that Hermes is owned by the Otto Group, known as the last standing e-commerce competitor of Amazon in Europe – also from Hamburg.
Once in a while you can see these little autonomous driving machines through Hamburg. The post of this little fella triggered on LinkedIn 24.000 views and on Twitter 41.000 in 24 hours. So this project really seems to rise interest.
Someone on LinkedIn asked, if they already invented a mechanism how the robot rings the doorbell: Well, as I heard the customer receives a SMS text message or an email with an exact time and date when the robot arrives, including a code how to open the box. How exciting is that?