Video Content: Why Insurers and Bank Should Use it
Videos have become a staple part of our everyday lives. Haven’t you noticed? Developed apps with the highest revenue are often related to anything people can watch – Netflix, YouTube, TikTok. Even Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram became video-enabled. This is because modern-day customers are more enticed with videos than other forms of content.

It’s been 16 years since YouTube was launched in 2005 and until now, it’s still around, with over two billion logged-in users each month from more than 100 countries. Tiktok is a big rockstar that crosses generational borders. People of all ages come to Tiktok to watch video content or even make their own. Facebook also added a “watch” destination in their App.
Marketing should evolve with the times. Video marketing is now the trend. If you aren’t into video marketing, you might be falling behind.
💡 55% will read a blog post for 15 seconds or less according to Chartbeat. This is why we try to fit our posts into one one-glance, easy-reads. But a person can watch TV and be a potato couch for Netflix all day.
💡 Text and images can be subjective to the reader and can be interpreted in different ways.
💡 Emotions are not conveyed exactly the way we want them because the audience may feel differently about the post.
💡 Social media platforms can only allow a limited amount of characters per post. Sometimes, content is compromised to fit the text box.
💡 Not all customers and target markets are patient readers. Lazy readers won’t spend much time scrolling through a website with long texts alone but would stay to click on a three-minute video.
💡 There’s also a higher brand recall from what people see than what people read.

Most digital marketers say that “video content is king”. Video content are more appealing, creative, interactive, sincere, and engaging.
Effects can be added to spice up the content, making it more interesting and engaging. It can also help increase the understanding of products and services because of audio, graphics, and animation.
💡 54% prefer videos to other content
💡 90% of customers said that videos helped them in buying decisions
💡 55% increase in traffic when videos are embedded in websites
💡 80% of conversion rates on landing pages come from video content.
💡 19% increase in open rate when ‘video’ is used in a Newsletter subject line.
💡 1200% more shares than text and images combined
💡 53 times more likely to show up first in Google when a video is embedded in the website

Most digital marketers say that “video content is king”. Video content is more appealing, creative, interactive, sincere, and engaging. Effects can be added to spice up the content, making it more interesting and engaging. It can also help increase the understanding of products and services because of audio, graphics, and animation.