It was a lot of fun to be on Dez Blanchfields Podcast Show “Conversation with Dez”. I really loved the fireside chat format. Dez is an amazing host – and was personally as funny as in his Tweets and Posts. We laughed a lot – before, during and after the podcast.
We talked a lot about digital transformation and the current state of the finance and insurance industry. I was happy that Dez shared his views and insights on the digital disruption we are witnessing right now.
One example struck me a lot. Dez described the Y2K-Problem at the beginning of this century. The two-digit limitations of most computer dates lead to multi billion dollar spendings in order to expand it to four digits. The goal: that on January 1st 2000 computers recognized the new millenium not jumping back to 1900 causing severe IT-Problems. Dez argued that – since we can recall the panic around Y2K – a lot of organizations already were challenged with this tiny problem, how can they take complex topics such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and cloud?
My take on this you can find in “Conversations with Dez” on Soundcloud or iTunes. Don’t forget to give Dez Podcast a great review and tune in to the other episodes.