Dr. Robin Kiera’s Interview with Ben Webster
Get to know Dr. Robin Kiera as he answer five (5) questions in an interview Ben Webster. Ben Webster is Founder of multiple Insurtech companies and Lead of the Insurtech Australia Working Group.
Marketing: vendita di assicurazioni tramite Tiktok? L’esperienza tedesca
In Germania sempre più broker e agenzie stanno aprendo canali su Tiktok. Oltre 14 milioni di persone sono attive sulla piattaforma ogni mese. In media, ogni utente vi trascorre 73 minuti al giorno.
Live nachgefragt bei Apple-Marketinglegende Guy Kawasaki – VersicherungsJournal.de
Insurance managers and sales specialists have to make sometimes difficult decisions on a daily basis, despite the fact that the facts are not clear. Under what conditions does this happen and what perspectives are seen? Sometimes it helps to think outside the box to see how other top brands built their business success. Take Apple, for example: The path from the clumsy computer to the lifestyle statement was taken here. Silicon Valley veteran Guy Kawasaki will explain how this works on Monday, March 1st at 6:00 p.m. At the beginning of the 1980s, as a colleague of Steve Jobs, he coined the “Evangelism principle” and the marketing of the Macintosh.
Dr. Robin Kiera talks about TikTok on Pfefferminzia Podcast, “Die Woche”
Dieses Mal: Digidor-Geschäftsführer Wolfram Lefèvre erklärt, wie Vertriebsmarketing bei der Kundengewinnung und -bindung hilft. Im Rechtstipp geht Stephan Michaelis auf die Spargelfeld-Entscheidung ein. Und Digitalexperte Robin Kiera teilt seine Erfahrungen mit dem Kurz-Video-Portal TikTok.
Auf dem Radar des Kunden: Die wunderbare Reise von OCC zu Tiktok und Clubhouse
Warum ein Versicherer wie OCC Social Media-Kanäle forciert – CEO Désirée Mettraux mit Erkenntnissen zu Tiktok, Clubhouse und anderen Reichweitenbringern.