Dr. Robin Kiera uncovers the trends that could transform the insurance industry in the next 10 years
March 16, 2021
In an industry like insurance where transformation is accelerating at a rapid pace, it is difficult to see what it...
DIA TOP 100 Insurtechs to Watch in 2021
March 14, 2021
Each year, Digital Insurance Agenda (DIA) releases its handpicked Top 100 InsurTechs to watch based on their strategic impact. The...
Dr. Robin Kiera is a certified MOI Ambassador
March 7, 2021
Dr. Robin Kiera received a "Certificate of Excellence" from the awesome Magic of Innovation (MOI) Team for his active participation...
Dr. Robin Kiera’s Interview with Ben Webster
March 2, 2021
Get to know Dr. Robin Kiera as he answer five (5) questions in an interview Ben Webster. Ben Webster is...
Marketing: vendita di assicurazioni tramite Tiktok? L’esperienza tedesca
March 2, 2021
In Germania sempre più broker e agenzie stanno aprendo canali su Tiktok. Oltre 14 milioni di persone sono attive sulla piattaforma ogni mese....
Live nachgefragt bei Apple-Marketinglegende Guy Kawasaki –
March 2, 2021
Insurance managers and sales specialists have to make sometimes difficult decisions on a daily basis, despite the fact that the...
Dr. Robin Kiera talks about TikTok on Pfefferminzia Podcast, “Die Woche”
March 2, 2021
Dieses Mal: Digidor-Geschäftsführer Wolfram Lefèvre erklärt, wie Vertriebsmarketing bei der Kundengewinnung und -bindung hilft. Im Rechtstipp geht Stephan Michaelis auf...
Auf dem Radar des Kunden: Die wunderbare Reise von OCC zu Tiktok und Clubhouse
March 2, 2021
Warum ein Versicherer wie OCC Social Media-Kanäle forciert – CEO Désirée Mettraux mit Erkenntnissen zu Tiktok, Clubhouse und anderen Reichweitenbringern....
“Insurance: the regulators will not save you” by Dr. Robin Kiera on
February 22, 2021
Gary Vaynerchuk, author, speaker, entrepreneur, internet personality, and chairman of VaynerMedia; and Dr. Frank Grund, Chief Executive Director of Insurance...
Dr. Robin Kiera Recognized as one of the Top 10 FinTech Influencers on Twitter by GlobalData
February 16, 2021
A further analysis of GlobalData’s Fintech Influencer Platform, which tracks more than 200 leading industry experts and their discussions pertaining...
“Wir feiern keine Vertriebserfolge – das ist unser Job” – Gary Vaynerchuk
February 12, 2021
Versicherungsmanager und Vertriebsfachleute müssen trotz ungeklärter Faktenlage täglich teils schwerwiegende Entscheidungen treffen. Unter welchen Bedingungen geschieht dies und welche Perspektiven...
The CEO of Diggi, Dr. Robin Kiera, on digital.dean About Reaching a Million Audience on TikTok
February 11, 2021
TikTok revolutionized the social media world with its short-form videos that give rise to content creators in all sorts of...
Dr. Robin Kiera Recognized as one of the Top 200 Thought Leaders to Follow in 2021
February 8, 2021
We are very proud to share with you that Dr. Robin Kiera was included on peopleHum’s 200 Most Influential Thought...
Dr. Robin Kiera Recognized as one of The 100 Most Influential People in FinTech by FinTech Weekly
February 7, 2021
We are honored to share Dr. Robin Kiera’s inclusion on FinTech Weekly’s prestigious list of 100 Most Influential People in...
Dr. Robin Kiera mentioned in the #50INSURTECH ONLINE INFLUENCER LIST by InsurTech News
February 3, 2021
We are proud to share Dr. Robin Kiera's inclusion in the #50insurtech Online Influencer list made by InsurTech News. This...
Dr. Robin Kiera recognized as one of the Top 15 Global FinTech Industry Influencers 2021 by iBrand Studio
February 1, 2021
Our full appreciation to iBrand Studio for recognizing our efforts and Dr. Robin Kiera as one of the Top 15...
Our Show was featured in Gary Vaynerchuk’s Podcast
January 20, 2021
We are sincerely grateful for Gary Vaynerchuk's recognition of our latest Insurance and Finance LIVE show with him. Our show...
Robin Kiera Recognized as one of the Insurtech Influencers of 2021 by Hugues Bertin
January 12, 2021
We are honored to share Dr. Robin Kiera's inclusion on Hugues Bertin's list of Insurtech Influencers of 2021 outside Latin...
Über Tiktok können auch Versicherungen verkauft werden – Dr. Robin Kiera
January 9, 2021
Auf der Plattform kann nicht nur in kurzer Zeit eine sehr große Menge an Followern erzielt werden, sondern auch eine...
How to Start Selling on TikTok?
January 7, 2021
Dr. Robin Kiera, one of the most sought-after thought leaders and influencers in Insurance and Finance, shares his journey of...