Introducing “TikTok Stories”

TikTok jumps in the social media app trend of adding stories with the pilot testing of a new feature called, “TikTok Stories”. It was first discovered by a guy named Matt Navarra who posted about it on Twitter and was later confirmed by TikTok. This is another move to innovate and present new creative ways […]
TikTok’s New Keyboard Shortcuts

TikTok is innovating even in the smallest details. Have you tried TikTok’s new keyboard shortcuts? TikTok made it easier to explore the latest videos on our laptop or computer. Player controls displayed at the bottom-right of the screen help the users navigate. No need to grab the mouse or struggle with the cursor. New Keyboard […]
Networking During the Pandemic

“Your Network is Your Net Worth”. In this book by Porter Gale, he wrote, “I believe that your social capital, or your ability to build a network of authentic personal and professional relationships, not your financial capital, is the most important asset in your portfolio.” Businesses require networking with or without a pandemic. It’s more […]
Tip of the Week: Why B2B Branding is Critical?

Branding Matters. It’s the reason why customers should choose us over the competitors. Therefore, it should be clear and consistent, not blurry, shaky, and questionable. Are we conveying the right messages? Is the branding we’ve set the same with the branding our customers have in mind? Do we know what’s going on in our customer’s […]
Studie: Beste Versicherer auf Social Media

Im Schnitt verbringen Deutsche 1,24 Stunden auf Social Media – pro Tag. Gleichzeitig haben traditionelle Medienangebote wie ARD und ZDF in den letzten 20 Jahren rund 50% ihrer Reichweite verloren. Sie verlieren ganze Generationen. Das Konsum-, Kommunikations- und Kaufverhalten vieler Zielgruppen hat sich – teils – dramatisch verändert. Das Versicherungsjournal und Digitalscouting haben alle über […]
Our Study on Social Media: Which Insurers are really Convincing on Social Media?

How actively does the insurance industry use social media? Digitalscouting examined the activities of over 270 insurers listed with the German Insurance Association (GDV) in the past 30 days (July-August) including posts published, liked, or commented on across major social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube. In the evaluation, Alliance, Munich […]
Poll Question Results: “Which Marketing Strategy Do You Prioritize?”

Marketers should practice prioritization because if not, everything will only be half-baked. Nothing stands out. Prioritization is more effective than throwing stones at all targets and not hitting anything. We wanted to find out which marketing strategy is on top of the priority list and posted the question, “Which marketing strategy do you prioritize?” on […]
Kevin O’Leary on Social Media and Stocks

“There is a correlation between social media, media, and the stock market.” – Kevin O’Leary Renowned TV personality and investor, and Kevin O’Leary defends social media as a consideration on buying stocks, in CNBC’s half-time report with Scott Wapner. Looking at the cash flows and sales quarter after quarter, the story is not over for […]
Are You Prepared for Your Post-Pandemic Marketing?

We should be thinking ahead, and our marketing strategies should do the same. When the pandemic is no longer a risk, we wouldn’t want to be in shock the way we were when it started. As restrictions are being slowly lifted, get ready to get back to in-person events. Millions are getting vaccinated which gives […]
Hashtags for Your Quick Social Media Post

Hashtags can be a game-changer to our social media engagement. We use hashtags all the time but there are tips and tricks to make them work for us. Knowing the right ones to use can increase our stats, boost our engagement, broaden our audience reach, gain new followers, and build brand awareness. We have four […]